The GALLERYAN ASUKAYAMA is an art gallery located in Kita-Ku, Tokyo nearby a landmark ASUKAYAMA Park on Hongo Street.Founded in 2013, the gallery features exhibits of emerging contemporary artists exploring conceptual framework and the world boundary pushing philosophical thinking through mediums of painting, sculpture, Installation art, video and performance art. In other words, work with and exhibit artists and joint struggle in the development of their careers.
Asukayama Park : From 1720, by order of the Yoshimune TOKUGAWA, approximately 1,000 cherry tree saplings, and other trees were planted by the Shogunate government,and moreover, Even now, many people visiting the area as a sights for flower-viewing.
2013年春、ギャラリアン アスカヤマは、徳川時代に由来し近代化以降、現在でも桜の名所として名高い飛鳥山のほど近くに開廊。山の裾野にある庵をイメージにホワイトキューブに畳敷きの空間を設ける。“庵を結ぶ"即ち「質素な小屋、庵において芸術畑の人がその道に徹するために」を惹句とし、表現手法を問わず本質を突く実力がある意欲的な若手美術作家の企画展覧会を実施し、国内外へ紹介発信することで現代アートの活性化、裾野拡大、社会的価値の創出を目指す。桜が「文化」として根付き咲き続けるこの地から。
1-18-1,1F-01. Takinogawa Kita-ku
TOKYO / 1140023
Hours : Available by appointment
●Masks are mandatory●
Director : Masahiro Okamoto